Sup. I’m Brian McFadden. 


I'm a trainer and writer. 

I built this site for one reason: To have a place where people can find solutions to their problems. I share ways on how to build muscle, lose fat, get stronger and live better. 

So if you want to look, feel and perform better, you’ve come to the right place. That’s all you really need to know. (But if you want to know more about me, keep reading). 

A few things about me: 

I'm the founder of McFadden Fitness, a site dedicated to helping people feel, look and perform better. My bio-hacking strategies, bodybuilding methods and nutrition principles have helped hundreds of people look better, work smarter, feel healthier and think faster.

My philosophy revolves around simple strength training and practical nutrition principles. My main goal is to solve real challenges with real people. 

Having owned my own gym alongside thousands of hours of hands-training with both in-person and online clients, I've discovered that my underlying duty is to remove the confusion and frustration so my clients can thrive. 

My job is to be the guide and let YOU be the hero. 

With this approach, I've helped hundreds of people look better, work smarter, feel healthier and think faster.

I've been featured by: TNation, Breaking Muscle, Muscle & Strength, Tiger Fitness, The Human Fit Project, Yoga Digest Magazine, Rise Bar, MTS Nutrition, ImSoAlpha, Elite Daily, Thought Catalog, Life Hack and Better Humans. 


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