I help busy people in thier 30's and 40's look, feel and perform better than they did in their 20's. 

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Sup.  I'm Brian.

I'm the founder of McFadden Fitness, a site dedicated to helping people feel, look and perform better. My bio-hacking strategies, fitness methods, nutrition principles and intergrative approach to health have helped hundreds of people look better, work smarter, feel healthier and think faster.

Click the green button to your right to scheulde a casual call with me. We'll chat to see if my perosnal coaching is right for you. 


My services

I offer online personal coaching. 

See all my services >>

My programs 

I offer training programs. 

See all my programs >>

Weekly Newsletter

Every week I write an article, essay or story that I share with my mailing list. No gimmicks, no spam - just me sharing my best stuff. If you want honest strategies, proven tactics and useful stories for more muscle, less fat and better health then put you'll enjoy my weekly articles. 

Read my articles >>



My Practice

My goal is simple: To make you the hero. 


There's a solution for you. Together, with my support and your committed effort, we'll find it. 

— Brian McFadden

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McFadden Fitness is a professional coaching practice 

Here's what some of my clients have to say about me....